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Какой‍ двигатель⁢ был установлен в Plymouth Satellite 1972?


The Alberta ‍Motor Association’s 1972 Plymouth ​Satellite Road Runner won the 2017 Antique Automobile Club of America (AACA) Zenith Award⁣ this month. The Zenith‌ Award⁤ is said to⁣ be the ⁢“most coveted honor in the world of automotive restoration.”

The 1972 Plymouth/Buddy Baker is one of just 20 Plymouth Satellites⁢ built with⁢ the ⁣426 HEMI ​engine and 4-speed transmission combination. The vehicle was used ‍by⁤ Buddy Baker as his personal car and to​ support ⁣drag racing legend ⁤Dick Landy.

After ‌42 ⁣years of storage,‍ the ‌AMA ⁣acquired the car in 2014⁤ and spent ‌nearly two⁢ years⁣ restoring​ it. It was ‌the first ​restoration for ​the Association’s Heritage ​Centre Garage, and includes more‌ than 7,000 hours of work to restore the vehicle to its original condition.

George Bachman, ⁣Director of AMA’s Heritage Centre,‍ said, “We ⁤knew ​when we acquired this car that it was special and I am proud of what ⁣our Heritage team was able to do⁣ to bring it ‍to like-new condition.”

The restoration of the 1972‍ Satellite Road Runner received numerous accolades before winning the Zenith Award, and​ has been included in the Chrysler Registry as one of the most important Mopar® restorations recently completed.

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